Registering your Pregnancy with Cardiff and Vale UHB Maternity
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Thank you for using this form for registering your pregnancy with CAVUHB Maternity. The information you provide will inform us of the details needed to set up your initial maternity booking appointment with the midwifery team.
Please complete this form when you are approximately 6 weeks pregnant. You should receive a phone call or text advising you of your appointment, which we will arrange for when you are approximately 8–10 weeks pregnant. Please ensure that you are happy for your midwife to contact you on the telephone number you provide on this form. If you have any queries or would prefer to notify us by telephone - please contact us on 02920745030 (9am–4pm)
Cardiff and Vale UHB is the data controller for any personal data that is collected.
The lawful basis for processing data under the UK GDPR is Article 6(1)(e) and Article 9(2)(h).
Data will be retained in line with the Records Management Code of Practice 2021.
For any complaints in relation to how your data has been handled, please contact
To see more information in relation to see how your information is processed, please see our privacy notice at